In Zanzibar there are some special rules, and here are the ones I know:
~Ask before you take a picture of someone!
Some think that if you do they will loose a bit of their soul.
~Don't use clothes that showes your shoulders and knees!
In places with Muslim culture.
~Don't take food with your left hand!
The right hand is the one you use to.most things, but you use the°c left hand to dirty things.
~The family means a lot!
You can call a cousin for an uncel, a aunt for mum etc.
~Don't give money to a guy that says he is a police man!
Go to the station.
~Do not flap your money!
~If someone says that you have put on some weight, you are supposed to say thank you!
It is a compliment.
~Don't go outside when it is dark!
It becomes dark very fast, ca. 7 PM.
~In some restaurants they don't sell beer, but you can take some with you!
~Do not sit on the turtles!